Once accessible only to sages, religious teachers and spiritual masters, the Records are now available to anyone, anytime and anywhere.
To access your own records, you can embark on your own studies through reading (see our list of books here), have a reading by someone who has trained in accessing the records (you can book a reading right on this page), or come to a ASA Course and practice accessing the Akashic Records as part of a group (see when the next online ZOOM course is available).
General Akashic Readings cover many areas including health, career, family, relationships, spirituality, and finance. You don’t need to have a complex issue or problem to have a reading, maybe you just want some answers to some basic questions. Think of it as a ‘Spiritual Counselling' Session.
The records can be opened to assist your creativity, and connect with your brilliance. Often people use the records to write poems, music and books. Others draw, paint and dance or receive their inspiration and guidance from the records as a source for their creation. We will practice some creative sessions in the ASA courses.
Clients must be 18 years old and over to have an Akashic Reading. This is because having an Akashic Reading requires the individual to take responsibility for their own actions. A person is considered an Adult once they have turned 18 and therefore mature enough to make their own decisions.
- Book a Reading
- Ask a Question
All readings are 1 hour in length - $175

Past Lives
Past Lives is a spiritual energy concept based on Reincarnation.
So, what is reincarnation? The word "reincarnation" derives from Latin, literally meaning, "entering the flesh again". It is a philosophical or religious concept that the non-physical essence of a living being starts a new life in a different physical form or body after biological death. It is also called rebirth or transmigration, and is a part of the Saṃsāra doctrine of cyclic existence. In short, Saṃsāra is the cycle of death and rebirth. Saṃsāra is a Sanskrit word that means "wandering" or "world".
Understanding and the acceptance of the concept of Reincarnation allows us to work within the Akashic Records, as they store all Past, Present and Future possibilities, including our own Past Lives.
Past Lives may influence our daily decisions. It’s a “left over energy” from a previous life that could be spiritual energy, cellular memory, soul level or a combination of all three. We can work within the Akashic Records and look at our Past Lives on many levels. This can be an emotional, enlightening and fun experience.
Have you ever met someone that you feel you have known before? Do you have dreams about another Time and Place? Past Lives can show up in the physical body too. Have you ever felt as though you cannot express yourself fully, that you were afraid of what people might say or do to you? By using the Akashic Records to explore this “lack of self-expression, you may find out that you had a Past Life where you were killed for speaking your truth.
Some other possible Signs of a Past Life that maybe affecting you in this lifetime:
- Déjà Vu. Deja vu is that strange, suddenly feeling you get when you are struck by a sense that you have done, heard or felt something before. ...
- Unusual Memories. ...
- Dreams and Nightmares. ...
- Fears and Phobias. ...
- Passions. ...
- Uncontrollable Habits. ...
- Inexplicable Pain. ...
- Birthmarks.

Ancestral Patterns
We can also work within the Akashic Records on Ancestral Patterns, Attitudes and Behaviours. Ancestral Patterns can be Cellular Memory from our own Past Lives or Biological, passed down through our Ancestral Lineage. We can also take on Ancestral Patterns through Adoption, Marriage/Relationships/Family and Karmic Lessons.
Whilst it is interesting to learn about our Ancestry and see possible patterns of behaviour throughout time, it doesn’t really matter where these patterns come from. What is important is that we recognise them and are willing to work on releasing them so that our lives change and in doing so, the lives our loves also change for the better.