Meet Jo Fuller

I am a person, just like you, dealing with the daily challenges and the problems that arise from our past to impact our present and future possibilities.
I was born and raised in a small Australian country town. Throughout my childhood I had to deal with family domestic violence on a regular basis and sexual abuse by my father, he was an alcoholic. One of my earliest memories is holding onto my father’s leg while he hit my mother. Even at that tender age I was trying to protect my mother and my survival skills and instincts had kicked in. I spent many years of my life playing the role of a victim and then I found the love and courage to forgive him. I made a conscious choice that I would no longer be the victim and dwell in the past.
I have experienced enough trauma to last many lifetimes, yet one of the most wonderful things I have learnt about life is that we have this amazing inner strength, this resilience when we hit rock bottom. We have the incredible ability and willpower to overcome the many negative challenges from our past. If we can find the modality of healing that feels right for us it is even easier to overcome such obstacles. I have found such a healing for myself and others through the Akashic Records.
I spent many years of my life searching for answers in numerous books of spirituality and healing. In 2010 I came across a book called “How to Read the Akashic Records” by Linda Howe. I fell in love with this book and for some reason Linda’s teachings resonated with me, awakening some deeper connection with myself. For the first time everything seemed so clear. I was excited and amazed that I could actually open my own ‘Soul Records’ and have total trust in the information that flowed from this higher source. The possibilities were endless.
So, I began ‘my own work’ in the Akashic Records, firstly accessing my own personal records, then studying to become an Advanced Akashic Records Practitioner and Teacher.
I have now worked in this space for over 13 years professionally and have been developing my own teaching content. I do things a little differently. Here at Akashic Studies Australia I will teach you several ways to access the Akashic Records and we practice those methods throughout the various ASA Courses. My aim is for you to find the right method or process that works for you. That way you can develop the skills you require and become more confident in accessing the Akashic Records for yourself and for others if you wish to offer Akashic Readings.
I use my very own Akashic Access Prayer© as well as other prayers and modalities to access the Akashic Records. My services include Akashic Readings and Teaching Akashic Classes.
At ASA we offer Courses ranging from a Level 1 Foundation Course, Level 2 Beginner’s Course, Level 3 Practitioner Course and Level 4 Advanced Practitioner Course. We also have Special Topic Courses available to those who have completed the Level 3 Practitioner Course and Level 4 Advanced Practitioner Course.
I am totally committed in supporting you to empower yourself and to have a more conscious relationship with your physical self and your soul. We can reconnect with ourselves by working within the Akashic Records, it is a safe, peaceful, and gentle environment to work in. With this new awareness, you will be able to live a life that fits who you really are. Your relationship with yourself and the people you love will be enriched, helping you to reach your full potential in this lifetime.
My other passion is as an End-of-Life Doula - providing support, options and education for the dying and their loved ones. My work involves working with Preparing the Way as an End-of-Life Doula Educator. I have a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, Certificate IV in Mental Health Peer Support. And finally, I am also a Co-Author of the Book “Dance in the Fire of Life".
Why don’t you consider joining me on the path to a deeper understanding of your current life, past lives and to reconnect with your Soul. I look forward to meeting with you one day soon.
With Love